Saturday, July 11, 2009

A la semana siguiente/The Following Week

Una de mis profesoras me preguntó por qué llevaba el letrero en la frente. Le expliqué lo sucedido en la clase. Me preguntó quién lo habia dicho. Le respondí que no era importante quién lo habia dicho sino lo que se dijo, como me afectó y como logré canalizarlo a través del performance. No tituveó en adivinar el nombre de la persona... y además me confesó que yo no era el único, que de ella se burlaban por su forma de deletrear su inglés británico.


One of my professors asked me why I carried the sign on my forehead. I explained to her what had happened in class. She asked me who had said it. I answered that it was not important who had said it, but what had been said, how it affected me and how I managed to channeled it through the performance. She did not hesitate in guessing the name of the person... and also confessed to me that I was not the only one, that people mocked her for the way she spelled her British English.